Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Five Basic asanas

The five basic types of asanas:- 1) vajrasana 2)Padmasana  3)Sukhasana  4)Vrikasana  5)Garudasana


1. Fold the right leg and bring the right heel under the right buttock.   

2. Sitting on the right heel, fold the left leg and bring the left heel under the left buttock. 

3. Sit erect comfortably with the buttocks resting on both the heels and palms resting on the thighs.

Note:  In the final posture the soles of the feet face upwards, heels are kept together and the entire weight of the body is felt on the back of the feet




1. Draw the right leg along the ground and bend the knee.

2. Place the right foot on the left thigh near the left groin.

 3. In the same way bring the left foot on the right thigh near the right groin.

4. The soles of both feet are turned upwards with the heels almost meeting each other in front of the pelvic bones.

5. Sit erect with hands on the thighs in Cin Mudrā with elbows bent.

Erects the spine. Its a symmetrical posture, brings stability to mind.


  It has no limitations. 


1. Fold the legs and cross them to place the feet under opposite legs. 

2. Sit comfortably with spine erect. The hands rest on the thighs in Cin Mudrā with the elbows bent.

Note:  Here the knees do not touch the ground.
 Erects the spine. It is one of the simple meditative posture and brings stability to the mind.
 It has no limitations. 

 Vrikṣāsana:(The Tree Posture) This refers to a symbolic representation of a Tree.


 1. Stand in Tāḍāsana.

2. Slowly bend the right leg and join the feet of the right leg to the root of left thigh.

3. Raise both the hands and stretch above the head and join the palms and fingers together.

4. Keep concentrating and focus on a particular object. 

5. Stay for about 10 to 15 seconds and breathe deeply. 

6. Alternatively practice this exercise on left side also.

Therapeutic Advantages
1. This exercise helps to keep the mental stability and also helps to develop mental concentration. 

2. For those who suffer from leg pain, doing this exercise helps to tone up the leg muscles and reduces the knee and joints pain.



1. Stand in position Tāḍāsana.

2. Stretch both; the hands forward.  Hands should be horizontal to the ground.  Place right leg forward and take 2 or 3 breaths.

3.  Bend the elbow and raise the arm to the level of nose. Simultaneously place the right foot behind the left leg.

4.   Stay in this position for few seconds with normal breathing. 

5.  Release the arms and legs slowly and come back to the normal position. 

6.  Repeat this exercise on the left side as explained above. 

Therapeutic Advantages

1.   Performing this exercise helps to provide strength to the hands and legs. It relieves the pain in ankles and shoulders. 

2.   Helps to remove the cramps in the calf muscles. 

3.   It gives body balance and sharpness to the body. 

4.  It helps in concentration


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